A Sunday Read 

As an element— Earth contains all other elements within it... Air, water, fire. Space and a container to hold it all. So we function a lot like Earth—we are all things too. 

The Earth element, feeling whole and grounded, was something that eluded me for a lot of my life. A few years ago, I consciously wanted to strive for more balance, and get a handle on my ADHD. I love ideas, dreaming, and as a sensitive creative, I naturally feel all Air and Water. Whipping around, I never felt like I had my feet on the ground. 

With the past few years of consciously treating my ADHD, feeling safe in my body, choosing a more balanced and healthy lifestyle, I felt so much reverence when I created this illustration. So much gratitude for the parts of me that felt Earth. The subjects I draw speak to me, and her message was one of— "Come on guys. When are you going to listen? When are you going to come Home?"

I realized everything starts first with our own healing. It's not selfish to prioritize that. We have to not leave our bodies, be disconnected from what we consume, what imbalances we further, how blind we choose to be to planetary suffering. Our world is in danger. 

This year, the heavy rainfall hinted at our deep need to feel our feels, to shed our tears. The heat and fire, our trapped anger and the need to heal the raging fires within. Accept, forgive, and love others and ourselves.

As the unconditional Mother, our planet waits. She's letting us know what she needs, will we choose to listen? 

Start with your body container, yourself. You deserve it. I think with starting there, when our planetary mess can feel so overwhelming, can help. Think and spend some time in silence today— what does my body need to feel whole and grounded? Where are the spaces I can love and accept just a little more? Where do I need to start?

Once you start healing yourself, it naturally spreads. You can easily think of others, address your own selfishness with compassion, and really start to make big change. 

I'm about a year and a half into my "real" healing journey. I say "Real" because I've been on a Spiritual Quest, a Soul Search through various energetic and alternative modalities for about 10+ years—But, getting to the root of my wiring, my brain on ADHD, really shifted everything for me. I don't want to say I was "spiritually bypassing".... But nothing ever really stuck. I was still always feeling so lost, so frustrated, and had some deep, deep shame around my ADHD traits. We never "heal from ADHD"... it's something that will always be a part of us— but we get to a place of celebrating and flourishing with it by cultivated the "Earth" within—the acceptance, love, and structure needed.

I came Home to myself. I hope in reading this, you'll feel inspired to start coming Home to you, too. And together, as brother and sisters of Mother Earth, we can all start to heal Her. It's time. 

With love. 


The Road Home


Seeking to know…